Environmental Responsibility

Proactive Stewardship and Conservation

Being a good neighbor is a core value that drives Warren Resources’ commitment to environmental stewardship. As a responsible oil and gas business, we’re committed to respecting the environment and consistently striving to improve the quality of life in the communities where we live and work. We incorporate environmental considerations into our activities, decisions, compensation programs and often go above and beyond what is required by law.

Spill Prevention Countermeasures and Control Protocol

Each year, Warren field personnel take part in a mock spill event whereby Warren’s field office is converted into an operations central and participants are assigned response roles. These drills prepare our personnel in every aspect of what to do in the rare event of a spill.

Tank and Pipeline Safety Protocol

Each year Preventative Maintenance Practices include weekly tank inspections and corresponding reports. Twice daily, Warren personnel physically survey the areas of the field under which all of the water and oil transport pipelines are buried.